The eye test
Our Comprehensive Exam harnesses the full power of specialist eye health technology, analysed by our highly experienced and knowledgeable Optometrists.

Optomap is an advanced digital retinal scanner, not to be confused with cameras, which takes and stores images of the up to 85% of the retina. It is comfortable, painless, noninvasive process that takes a fraction of a second taking a scan of the inside of the eye.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
A non-invasive imaging scan that uses light waves to take cross-section images of your retina, the light-sensitive tissue lining the inside of the eye. This is part of our Comprehensive Eye Examination and gives us a very high resolution image of the macula tissues and the optic nerve.

“We won’t rest until you receive an eye care experience like no other”

28 Victoria Road
TS26 8DD
Tel: 01429 275551
Opening times:
Monday to Friday : 9am – 5.30pm*
Saturday: 9am – 12.30pm
Sunday: Closed
*From October 1st we will close at 5pm on Fridays